Provisional Result of TWWT 2023
Bib No. 3965
Distance SS
Start Time 2023-10-14 07:09:00
Status Finished ( Overall : 63 / Gender : 20 )
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Station Distance Split Time Elapsed Time Time of Day Rank Gender Rank
START 0     14 Oct 07:09:00    
B4 Land Split 10.7 01:43:21 01:43:21 14 Oct 08:52:21 66* 22*
B5 Buddha Bridge 17.6 01:39:39 03:23:00 14 Oct 10:32:00 58* 20*
B4 Land Split 24.5 01:53:05 05:16:05 14 Oct 12:25:05 62* 20*
FIN 32.5 01:35:05 06:51:10 14 Oct 14:00:10 63* 20*
* Subject to change
Calculated at 2023-11-03T22:43:05+07:00
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